By Asif Ali Zardari, Published: May 2
In the article “Pakistan Did Its Part,” President Asif Ali Zardari discusses the state of his nation upon the death of one of its most notorious menaces Osama Bin Laden. The President addresses the media, in disregards to their portrayals of the specific role that Pakistan has held during the perennial search for Bin Laden. Many have led misconceptions, as Zaedari points out, of the vitality of Pakistan's pursuit in the fight against terrorism. The President addresses such misconceptions with his stand points of Pakistan being a freely elected democratic party, and in thanking President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of the United States of America, for their generous appreciation in words to his countries contributions on the close of world terror.
How I See It
President Obama thanks the nation of Pakistan for their vital efforts in this conquest for world justice, and to that i applaud, but for all of Pakistan's efforts over the years, is really one thanks enough?
All that is portrayed in the media is not always what things are. I feel that America is a pompous nation and would enjoy nothing more than to undermine the credit of another nation, in order to dwell in the likeness of every other. So with Osama’s death comes world gratification and who better than to take this than America? Wrong. People need to open their eyes to the world around them, and know that all that’s being told isn’t what’s really going on. Osama is dead, so they tell us, but what’s next. Because with all honesty, I fear that although this battle has been won, the real war has yet to begin.
-London Lavelle
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